Arts & Sustainability, Local plant-based agricultural initiatives, NoviceThe REGINA project: “Regenerative agriculture. An innovative approach towards mitigation of climate change”20 januarja, 2025Read more
Novice, Social issues, art & sustainabilityBiocyclic vegan agriculture is the future of farming6 januarja, 2025Read more
Novice, Plant-based diets & sustainabilityWatermelon Seed Milk Is The Latest Dairy-Free Innovation9 decembra, 2024Read more
Novice, Plant-based diets & sustainabilityWWF: 74% of the food sales must be plant-based25 novembra, 2024Read more
Local plant-based agricultural initiatives, NoviceFrom Livestock to Legumes: Farmers for Green Transition and Animal Wellbeing24 oktobra, 2024Read more
Novice, Social issues, art & sustainabilityArt as a Catalyst for Change: a powerful tool in the plant-based movements8 oktobra, 2024Read more
Novice, Plant-based diets & sustainabilityA Paradigm Shift for Sustainable Diets, Part 2: The Environmental Toll of the Global Food System & Plant-base brands and alternatives26 septembra, 2024Read more
Novice, Plant-based diets & sustainabilityA Paradigm Shift for Sustainable Diets, Part 1: Why are plant-based alternatives more expensive than animal products?16 septembra, 2024Read more
Novice, Plant-based diets & sustainabilityInviting Farmers to a Sustainable Future: Transitioning to Plant-Based Farming26 junija, 2024Read more
Novice, Plant-based diets & sustainabilityVertical Farming: The Sky-High Future of Plant-Based Nutrition5 junija, 2024Read more